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二十價肺炎鏈球菌疫苗接種服務 | PCV 20 pneumococcal vaccination service




肺炎鏈球菌可透過飛沫傳播,也常潛伏於人類鼻腔中。 肺炎鏈球菌感染在幼兒中很常見,但老年人患重病和死亡的風險最大。疫苗是預防肺炎鏈球菌感染的最佳方法。 Numerous illnesses are brought on by Streptococcus pneumoniae, and the infection itself can be dangerous or even fatal. Young children frequently contract the pneumococcal disease, while older persons are more at risk for serious illness and death. Vaccines are the best way to prevent pneumococcal disease.


條款及細則|Terms and Conditions:services

  • 費用包括疫苗接種,1針二十價肺炎鏈球菌疫苗(Prevenar 20)(某些項目不包括醫生費)。The fee already includes vaccine administration and 1 dose of Prevenar 20 vaccine. (Certain Option consultation fee is not included)
  • 嬰兒及18歲以下人士,必須見醫生
  • 使用此服務前必須預約| Advance booking is required
  • 海灣醫療保留最終解釋權 |Marina Medical reserves the rights to the final decision concerning the offers mentioned above


我需要接種多少劑 |How many doses required?

Age |年齡

Dosage |劑量

 6weeks to 15 months | 6星期至15個月大3 primary+1 booster | 3劑基本 + 1加強劑
12 months to 23 months unvaccinated |未曾接種 12個月至23個月大2 dose | 2劑 
2 years or above unvaccinated | 未曾接種 2歲或以上1 dose | 1 劑


香港市面上暫時有四款疫苗針對肺炎鏈球菌,包括Prevenar 13(13價),Vaxneuvance 15(15價),Prevenar 20(20價)及 PNEUMOVAX 23(23價)。建議所有 65 歲及以上人士、 小童及嬰兒, 以及18至64歲,並且有某些健康狀況或其他風險因素人士接種。以下是疫苗對照片的參考資料。Currently, there are four vaccines that can be given to prevent Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) in Hong Kong:  Prevenar 13 (pcv 13), Vaxneuvance 15 (pcv 15), Prevenar 20 (pcv 20) and PNEUMOVAX 23 (ppsv 23). A pneumococcal vaccine is recommended for adults who are 65 years old or above, infant and children as well as who are18 to 64 years old and have certain medical conditions or other risk factors. Below is the comparison table for reference. 

 Prevenar 13(13價 pcv13)

Vaxneuvance 15

(15價 pcv 15)

Prevenar 20

(20價 pcv 20)


(23價 ppsv 23)

藥廠 Manufacturer輝瑞默沙東 Merck輝瑞默沙東 Merck
疫苗技術 Vaccine type

結合疫苗 Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines

  • 採用升級結合疫苗技術
  • 促成免疫記憶提供長效保護


  • 採用多醣疫苗技術
  • 未能產生免疫記憶,抗體水平維持4至7年 
覆蓋血清型數目 Number of serotypes

13 types


15 types


20 types


23 types

23種(1,2,3,4,5,6B,7F,8,9N,9V,10A,11A,12F,14,15B,17F,18C,19A,19F, 20,22F,23F,33F)

適用人群 Target group
  • 所有嬰兒和5歲以下的兒童 All babies and children younger than 5 years old


  • 患有某些會增加患肺炎鏈球菌感染風險的疾病的 5 至17歲兒童 Children 5 to 17 years old with certain medical conditions that increase their risk of pneumococcal disease
  • 所有嬰兒和5歲以下的兒童 All babies and children younger than 5 years old


  • 患有某些會增加患肺炎鏈球菌感染風險的疾病的 5 至17歲兒童 Children 5 to 17 years old with certain medical conditions that increase their risk of pneumococcal disease


  • 患有某些疾病或風險因素的 18至64歲成年人 Adults 18 to 64 years old with certain medical conditions or risk factors


  • 65歲或以上的成年人 Adults 65 years or older
  • 所有6星期以上嬰兒至18歲以下的兒童 All babies(6 weeks above)  and children younger than 18 years old


  • 65歲或以上的成年人 Adults 65 years or older


  • 患有某些疾病或風險因素的 18至64歲成年人 Adults 18 to 64 years old with certain medical conditions or risk factors
  • 患有某些疾病的 2至17歲兒童 Children 2 to 17 years old with certain medical conditions


  • 曾接種15價疫苗的18歲或以上成年人 Adults 18 years or older who get PCV15
副作用 Side effects
  • 注射部位發紅、腫脹或疼痛 Reactions/ redness/ swelling/ pain/ tenderness where the shot was given
  • 輕微發燒 Fever
  • 食慾不振 Loss of appetite
  • 煩躁 Fussiness (irritability)
  • 疲倦Feeling tired
  • 頭痛 Headache
  • 肌肉酸痛或關節痛 Muscle aches or joint pain
  • 發冷 Chills
  • 注射部位發紅、腫脹或疼痛
  • 輕微發燒
  • 疲倦
  • 發熱
  • 肌肉酸痛


肺炎鏈球菌可透過飛沫傳播,也常潛伏於人類鼻腔中。 肺炎鏈球菌感染在幼兒中很常見,但老年人患重病和死亡的風險最大。肺炎球菌可引致多種疾病,常見的包括有中耳炎和肺炎。此細菌亦可引致侵入性肺炎球菌病,如入侵腦膜(引致腦膜炎)和血液(引致菌血症及敗血病),導致嚴重甚至致命的疾病。Numerous illnesses are brought on by Streptococcus pneumoniae, and the infection itself can be dangerous or even fatal. Young children frequently contract the pneumococcal disease, while older persons are more at risk for serious illness and death.


肺炎球菌感染的症狀 Symptoms of pneumococcal infection


  • 中耳炎:可能出現發燒、耳痛或有分泌物流出;若重複感染,聽覺或會受損。
  • 肺炎:可能出現發燒、呼吸急促、發冷和帶痰的咳嗽;嚴重者可能死亡。
  • 腦膜炎:可能出現發燒、頸部僵硬及精神昏亂,並可能引致長期聽覺受損,甚至死亡。
  • 敗血病︰可能出現關節痛和發冷,並可能出現身體其他部位同時受感染,例如肺炎和腦膜炎。

Streptococcus pneumoniae can cause middle ear infection, chest infection (pneumonia), meningitis, and sepsis. The infection can be serious or even life-threatening.

  • Middle ear infection can present with fever, ear pain and sometimes discharge. It may lead to hearing loss in recurrent infection.
  • Chest infection (pneumonia) can present with fever, shortness of breath, chills and productive cough. It may result in death in severe cases.
  • Meningitis can present with fever, stiff neck and confusion. It may result in long-term hearing loss or even death.
  • Sepsis can present with joint pain and chills. It may also present along with infection at other sites, such as pneumonia and meningitis.


治療肺炎球菌的方法 Available management

合適的抗生素可治療肺炎球菌感染,但抗藥性肺炎球菌的出現令治療更加困難。The disease can be treated with appropriate antibiotics. However, the emergence of drug-resistant strains of pneumococci has made treatment more difficult.


預防方法 Prevention

接種肺炎球菌疫苗 Pneumococcal vaccination

  • 現時有多種安全又有效預防肺炎球菌感染的疫苗 There are several types of pneumococcal vaccines. They are safe and effective.
  • 新生嬰兒應該按照「香港兒童免疫接種計劃」的建議接種疫苗 Newborns should follow the schedule recommended for vaccination
  • 年屆65歲或以上的長者,也應接種肺炎球菌疫苗 Elders aged 65 years or above should also get a pneumococcal vaccination.
  • 高危人士可諮詢家庭醫生有關接種疫苗事宜,以保障個人健康 Persons in the high-risk groups should consult their family doctors on having the vaccination for personal protection.


保持良好的個人衞生 Maintain good personal hygiene

  • 經常保持雙手清潔 Perform hand hygiene frequently
  • 打噴嚏或咳嗽時應用紙巾掩蓋口鼻 Cover your nose and mouth with tissue paper when sneezing or coughing.
  • 當出現呼吸道感染病徵,應戴上口罩,不應上班或上學,避免前往人多擠逼的地方,及盡早向醫生求診 Wear a surgical mask when having respiratory symptoms, refrain from work or attending class at school, avoid going to crowded places and seek medical advice promptly.
  • 保持均衡飲食、恆常運動、充足休息、不要吸煙和避免飲酒,以建立良好身體抵抗力 Build up good body immunity by having a balanced diet, regular exercise and adequate rest, do not smoke and avoid alcohol consumption.



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