Asia Medical Specialists | Marina Medical

2024/25年度流感疫苗接種服務|2024/25 Influenza Vaccination service

HKD 560.00HKD 380.00



一旦購買,我們的職員會直接聯絡你確認日子及時段接種。Once purchased, our staff will contact you for an appointment time arrangement. 流行性感冒,又稱為「流感」,是一種由流感病毒引起的嚴重及具傳染性的呼吸道疾病。症狀輕重不一,流感有機會導致肺炎,支氣管炎,耳部感染甚至死亡。 Influenza also called the flu, is a serious and contagious respiratory illness that is caused by the influenza virus. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, sometimes leading to pneumonia, bronchitis, ear infections, and even death.


條款及細則|Terms and Conditions:

  • 費用包括疫苗接種,1針流感疫苗,注射費。The fee already includes vaccine administration and 1 dose of Influenza Vaccine.
  • 注意⚠️ 若從沒接種過流感疫苗 ,需要見醫生 | ATTENTION!⚠️ Doctor consultation would be required, if the person haven't had influenza vaccination in the past.
  • 使用此服務前必須預約| Advance booking is required
  • 海灣醫療保留最終解釋權 |Marina Medical reserves the rights to the final decision concerning the offers mentioned above


哪些人士較易患上流感?Who is at risk?


Every year many people get sick with the flu. Some groups are at higher risk than others, including the elderly, young children, and people with certain health conditions.


應該何時接種疫苗?When should get vaccinated?


September and October are good times to get vaccinated. However, as long as flu viruses are circulating, vaccination should continue, even in January or later.


有哪些疫苗種類?What are the vaccine types?

三種不同的流感疫苗類型:There are three types of influenza vaccines:

(a)滅活疫苗(注射式-流感針) Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (Flu shot);

(b)重組疫苗(注射式-流感針)Recombinant influenza vaccine (Flu shot)

(c)減活疫苗(噴鼻式)Live-attenuated Influenza Vaccine (Nasal spray)





The inactivated influenza vaccine is formulated with the viruses that have been inactivated during the manufacturing process, the recombinant influenza vaccine contains haemagglutinin (a surface protein of influenza virus) that is produced by recombinant technology, and does not require egg or influenza virus in the production process, while the nasal spray contains viruses that are attenuated or weakened right at the beginning of the manufacturing.

The inactivated viruses are validated by the medical science that they only trigger restricted growth in the body and can hardly replicate themselves to manifest into a real illness. As opposed to the flu shot, the nasal spray simulates natural infection through the nose and may be able to induce stronger and long-lasting immune protection.

For both flu shots and nasal sprays, the effectiveness will depend on whether the virus strains in the vaccine, based on the WHO recommendation, are compatible with the virus strains circulating in the community.



