Asia Medical Specialists | Marina Medical

AestheFill 精靈針療程- 3 vials Package



本診所提供AestheFill 精靈針療程服務。購買後會有專人於下一個工作天後與您聯絡以作安排。 We offer AestheFill treatment to the public. Out staff will contact you next business day for arrangement after purchasing this coupon.


條款和細則 | Terms and Conditions:

  • 此項目只適用於海灣醫療 (Marina Medical) 並年滿十八歲以上客戶 (請務必以身份證明文件作識別)  | This offer is only valid to customer of  Marina Medical aged 18 (Please make sure your identity document is available for identification)  - THIS IS for Promotion items only 
  • 購買此項目卷後,會有專人於下一個工作天與您聯絡以作安排| We shall contact you within the next business day for arrangement upon your purchase.
  • 一旦購買此卷後,此券不可退款及不能轉換。 | No refund or exchange of any online purchases.
  • 此卷有效期為購買後30日 |the coupon’s validity is 30 days after purchase.
  • 如有任何疑問,請致電+852 3420 6622 或電郵 與我們聯絡 | If you have any questions, please call 3420 6622 or
  • 如有任何爭議,海灣醫療將保留最終決定權。 Marina Medical reserves the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes, Marina Medical reserves all rights for the final decision


AestheFill® 精靈針療程

AestheFill ® 精靈針是一種新型態的聚「雙旋」乳酸「自體膠原蛋白增生劑」,可長效漸進式地誘導促進皮膚第一型膠原蛋白增生,令肌膚自然豐盈。1:1左旋+右旋的雙旋結構,形成專利多孔性微球體結構,提供立即性的支撐與生長空間,效果可長效維持至少18 - 24 個月,讓肌膚柔軟細膩,重拾年輕。




  • 豐盈飽滿 
  • 刺激新組織和膠原蛋白產生
  • 保持自然體積
  • 輕鬆填充皺紋
  • 增生膠原蛋白
  • 安全性高




聚「雙旋」乳酸是以自然漸進的方式呈現效果,增生自體膠原蛋白需要一段時間,每次治療後平均2 - 4 週後逐漸感受到自然的豐盈感,凹陷、皺紋、鬆弛、膚質狀態等逐漸得到改善,效果持續18 - 24個月。


為達到最佳的治療效果,一個完整的療程需要2次起,建議每次間隔4週,實際療程次數及所需時間因人而異。由於每個人的體質與生活習慣不同,膠原再生能力也會有所差異, 效果呈現的進度與持久度可能會有差異。


因個人體質與注射部位不同,注射後可能會造成紅腫或瘀傷,通常會在數小時到一週內改善;也可能會產生血腫,但會在數小時到兩週內改善。如果一次施打較多瓶數或使用較稀的治療濃度,因含水量較高,皮膚可能會有暫時性的水腫現象,一般3 - 4 天即可改善。



AestheFill® Treatment

AestheFill® uses a unique blend of polydioxanone and double helix polylactic acid to stimulate the growth of collagen, restoring the natural plumpness and radiance of your skin. This innovative treatment supports and provides growth space for your skin layer. Say goodbye to fragmented collagen and hello to a softer, more delicate complexion that exudes youthful vitality.

AestheFill® Key Features:

  • Fill in skin depressions and wrinkles
  • Restore bright and plump skin to the face
  • Improve fine lines, pores, and firmness
  • Soften the skin
  • Instantly visible with a 100% filling effect


Suitable For:

AestheFill® is suitable for individuals who wish to improve facial depressions, wrinkles, chin, eye, and temple areas, among other issues.

