Asia Medical Specialists | Marina Medical

Fractional CO2 Laser 點陣激光平復凹凸洞

Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing 點陣激光



** 醫生主理** 使用點陣式二氧化碳激光(Fractional CO2 Laser),於皮膚表面製造極細點陣式傷口,5-7天微細結焦。 主要針對皮膚的凹凸洞、同時淡紋、刺激膠原蛋白重組、改善疤痕及緊緻提升皮膚。 **Treated by Doctor** Reveal your skin's natural beauty with our Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment. This procedure stimulates collagen production and promotes skin regeneration. The fractional approach creates micro-injuries to trigger the skin's healing process, resulting in improved texture, reduced wrinkles, and diminished scars.


What is Fractional CO2 Laser?  什麼是點陣激光?

Fractional CO2 lasers are part of a laser resurfacing process, which is a facial rejuvenation procedure that uses a laser to improve the skin's appearance or treat minor facial flaws. The wavelength of the energy emitted by the laser is around 10,600 nm (nanometers). This type of wavelength is absorbed by the water within skin cells, resulting in the topmost layer of skin being abraded.  The process also stimulate the skin, causing the formation of collagen. Collagen helps maintain a well-organised network of fibres in the body and adds to the skin's suppleness. Following laser therapy, new skin that may be smoother, tighter, or more elastic begins to form as the skin heals.

Fractional CO2 laser is an ablative treatment involving the use of a number of microbeams. This creates columns of ablation through the skin while allowing the nearby skin to remain untouched. Because the laser beam columns of fractional CO2 lasers are targeted, the risk of adverse effects is minimised. There is a shorter recovery period with this type of laser treatment.

點陣二氧化碳(CO2)激光是激光重塑療程的一部分。 它是一種使用激光來改善皮膚的外觀或治療輕微的臉部缺陷的臉部煥膚療程。激光發射的能量波長約為10,600 nm (納米)。 這些類型的波長會被皮膚細胞內的水分吸收,有效打破最表層皮膚。還可以刺激皮膚,促使膠原蛋白增生。膠原蛋白有助於維持良好的體內組織纖維網絡,並增加皮膚的柔軟度。激光療程後,隨著皮膚癒合,更光滑、更緊緻和更有彈性的新皮膚便會形成。



Who can benefit from Fractional CO2 Laser? 你適合做點陣激光療程嗎?

Ablative lasers like CO2 lasers, may help treat certain skin conditions, included:


  • Moles and warts |疣和癦
  • Small or fine wrinkles |痤瘡疤痕(凹凸洞)
  • Uneven skin tone | 細紋
  • Acne scars |膚色不均
  • Scars from chickenpox |水痘疤痕
  • Mild scarring |輕度疤痕
  • Actinic keratosis | 光化性角化症
  • Seborrheic keratosis |脂漏性角化症


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  • 此項目只適用於海灣醫療 (Marina Medical) 並年滿十八歲以上客戶 (請務必以身份證明文件作識別)  | This offer is only valid to customer of  Marina Medical aged 18 (Please make sure your identity document is available for identification)
  • 購買此項目卷後,會有專人於下一個工作天與您聯絡以作安排| We shall contact you within the next business day for arrangement upon your purchase.
  • 一旦購買此卷後,此券不可退款及不能轉換。 | No refund or exchange of any online purchases.
  • 此卷有效期為購買後30日 |the coupon’s validity is 30 days after purchase.
  • 如有任何疑問,請致電+852 3420 6622 或電郵 與我們聯絡 | If you have any questions, please call 3420 6622 or
  • 如有任何爭議,海灣醫療將保留最終決定權。 Marina Medical reserves the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes, Marina Medical reserves all rights for the final decision

