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本診所提供HArmonyCa™ 美神針療程服務。購買此項目後,會有專人於下一個工作天與您聯絡以作安排. We offer HArmonyCa™ treatment to the public. We shall contact you within the next business day for arrangement upon your purchase.


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  • 此項目只適用於海灣醫療 (Marina Medical) 並年滿十八歲以上客戶 (請務必以身份證明文件作識別)  | This offer is only valid to customer of  Marina Medical aged 18 (Please make sure your identity document is available for identification)  - 
  • 購買此項目卷後,會有專人於下一個工作天與您聯絡以作安排| We shall contact you within the next business day for arrangement upon your purchase.
  • 一旦購買此卷後,此券不可退款及不能轉換。 | No refund or exchange of any online purchases.
  • 此卷有效期為購買後30日 |the coupon’s validity is 30 days after purchase.
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HArmonyCa™ 美神針療程

源自於全球醫美領導廠商 Allergan Aesthetics(Juvéderm®喬雅登® 同屬旗下高端醫美療程品牌),全新 HArmonyCa™美神針是系內首個雙效醫美療程。HArmonyCa™美神針糅合透明質酸及CaHA的雙效優勢, 即現拉提緊緻,並刺激膠原持續自生, 以獨特的「C-shape拉提」帶來革命性的三重效果,全面還原肌膚的初生緊緻!



1. 一針雙效, 飽滿拉提

以住填充傳統的透明質酸可以立即看到效果, 但必須每隔幾個月進行施打以維持效果; 而 HArmonyCa™ 美神針结合傳統透明質酸立即填充飽滿輪廓的好處, 專利的 CaHA微球更能提供持久緊緻拉提去皺和輪廓固定的效果。

2. 安全性

HArmonyCa™ 美神針由美國 Allergan 藥廠負責研發和生產, 並已取得美國 FDA 和 CE 安全認証, 其主要成份與身體相容, 大幅減少瘀痛和水腫, 亦可被身體自然代謝和分解。


HArmonyCa™ 美神針含有 0.3% 的減痛成份, 這可以提供更加舒適的注射體驗, 使冶療過程更加舒適和無痛。


研究顯示使用HArmonyCa™ 美神針後, 91.6%人都見証明顯輪廓線條提升的效果, 而且用家的高滿意度持續長達19個月*。



  • 臉頰凹陷 / 太陽⽳凹陷/額頭扁平/蘋果肌扁平或凹陷/法令紋/⽊偶紋(⼝⾓紋)/下巴線條/鬆弛下垂


維持: 1.5-2年*

見效時間: 即時1週開始喚活新生膠原,並隨時間推移加強*


HArmonyCa™ Treatment

HArmonyCa™ is created by advanced technology in mixing hyaluronic acid (HA) with calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) in a stepwise manner, providing benefits of an immediate lift effect and sustained collagen stimulation with a distinctive C-Shape approach, bringing about an improvement in skin firmness.


Key Features: 

1. Dual Effect Hybrid Injectable

Traditional hyaluronic acid fillers provide immediate results, but must be administered every few months to maintain the results; while HArmonyCa™ injections combine the benefits of traditional hyaluronic acid to immediately fill in the contour, with the patented CaHA microspheres to provide long-lasting firming, lifting, wrinkle reduction and contour fixation.

2. Safety

HArmonyCa™ is developed and manufactured by Allergan Pharmaceuticals, and has obtained FDA and CE safety certificates. Its main ingredients are compatible with the body, greatly reducing bruising, pain and edema, and can be naturally metabolised and broken down by the body.

3. Comfort

HArmonyCa™ contains 0.3% of pain-reducing ingredients, which can provide a more comfortable injection experience, making the treatment process more comfortable and painless.

4. Satisfaction

Studies have shown that 91.6% of the people who used HArmonyCa™ injections saw visible results of contour lifting, and the high level of satisfaction lasted up to 19 months*.


Applicable on: 

  • Temple / flat forehead / flat or sunken cheeks / Nasolabial folds/ marionette lines lip corner / jawline / sagging


Approximate maintenance:  A course of treatment can last generally 1.5 - 2 years*

Effective: Immediately activates new collagen in 1 week and strengthens over time*

*Effects will vary from person to person
