Asia Medical Specialists | Marina Medical

復必泰JN.1疫苗接種服務| Comirnaty® Omnicron JN.1 Vaccination Service

date preferred |傾向日子



海灣醫療為12歲以上人士安排接種最新新冠JN.1疫苗 。有關購買詳情,歡迎致電3420-6622或微信 (asiamedical_2) 與我們的職員聯絡。一旦購買,我們的職員會直接聯絡你安排於指定的日子和時段接種。預約確認後,恕未能更改預約時段。 Marina Medical, located at Central, offer Comirnaty® JN.1 vaccination service to the public. Please contact our staff at 3420-6622 or WeChat (asiamedical_2) for purchase details. Once purchased, our staff will contact you for an appointment time on a designated day. The appointment cannot be rescheduled once confirmed.



Once purchased, our staff will contact you for an appointment on a designated day.  After confirmation, days cannot be changed.

所有產品一經購買後, 恕不退還,退款或轉讓。如您對我們的政策有任何問題,歡迎致電 +852-3420-6622、電郵 或微信: asiamedical_2 查詢。

All purchases are final and no refund will be issued. If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at: +852-3420-6622, or WeChat: asiamedical_2. Please read and acknowledge the followings before you procure this vaccination coupon:


  • 一旦購買及確認時間後,顧客不能更改預約時段,取消或轉換購買產品。不設退款。
  • 使用此服務前必須預約
  • 此服務不包括其他治療/檢查/醫師診症費用
  • 海灣醫療保留最終解釋權

Terms and Conditions:

  • Once purchased and confirmed the schedule, the customer cannot reschedule, alter or cancel the item. No refund policy. 
  • Advance booking is required
  • Other treatments, inspections, doctor consultation fees not included
  • Marina Medical reserves the rights to the final decision concerning the offers mentioned above

當你購買此疫苗接種券時, 代表你已確認符合接種此疫苗的資格。一旦購買及確認疫苗接種時間後,不能退款或轉換。在購買疫苗接種服務前,請詳細閱讀並同意以下條文。符合資格:

  1. 12歲或以上
  2. 同時符合接種2019 冠狀病毒疫苗的60日間距
  3. 此券包含了注射費、疫苗費 及行政費
  4. 接種者必須帶同其本人的 身分證明到診所登記 (例如護照、身分証、往來港澳通行證等)

By selecting this coupon,  you hereby confirmed and acknowledge that you are eligible to receive this vaccination. Once purchased and confirmed the schedule, cannot be altered or canceled. Eligible Criteria:

  1. Age 12 or above
  2. Fulfill the requirements of 60 days dosage interval
  3. The Coupon included the injection fee, vaccine charges, and administrative charges only.
  4. Patient would need to bring over their Identification document along when coming to the clinic for registration, e.g. passport,HKID or  Exit-Entry Permit.




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