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新一代帶狀疱疹疫苗接種服務-蛇針 | Shingles Vaccination Service

number of doses |劑量



雖然現實中沒有絕對的疾病預防方案,但接種帶狀疱疹疫苗能有效預防生蛇。不論男女都適合接種疫苗,假如接種疫苗後出現生蛇情況,亦能有效縮短生蛇的日數,減少出現神經痛的後遺症及減少痛楚的程度。 Though there is no guaranteed disease prevention, vaccination can effectively prevent shingles. Both men and women are suitable for vaccination. Even if patients develop shingles after vaccination, the duration is effectively shortened, chances for nerve pain (neuralgia) and degree of pain are reduced.


條款及細則|Terms and Conditions:services

  • 費用已包括診金,疫苗接種, Shingrix疫苗等, 並無其他附加費用。The fee already includes consultation, vaccine administration, doses of Shringrix vaccines, and no additional cost will be charged
  • 使用此服務前必須預約| Advance booking is required
  • 海灣醫療保留最終解釋權 |Marina Medical reserves the rights to the final decision concerning the offers mentioned above


香港市面上暫時只有兩款疫苗針對帶狀疱疹病毒,包括Shingrix及康栢苗。建議50歲或以上人士接種。以下是疫苗對照片的參考資料。Currently, there are two vaccines that can be given to prevent shingles in Hong Kong:  Zostavax and Shingrix. A shingles vaccine is recommended for adults who are 50 years old or above. Below is the comparison table for reference. 

疫苗種類 Technology platform重組帶狀疱疹疫苗 Recombinant, adjuvanted zoster vaccine減活帶狀疱疹疫苗 Live attenuated zoster vaccine
接種方法 Injection method肌肉注射 Intramuscular (injection into the muscle)皮下注射 Subcutaneous (injection underneath the skin)
認可於 Approved since2017年 First FDA-approved in 20172006年 Approved in 2006
劑量 Number of dosages21
接種間隔時間 Interval between dosage2至6個月 Between two to six months不適用 N/A
有效性* Efficacy*90%以上 More than 90%51%以上 More than 51%

*視乎受種者的年齡及個別因素 *Depending on the age group and various factors

生蛇的風險因素 Risk factors for shingles

只要你曾經感染水痘,就有機會生蛇。而隨著年紀漸長、生活壓力增加、患慢性疾病如糖尿病、長期服用免疫系統抑制劑(如口服類固醇),潛伏於人體神經的水痘病毒就有機會被誘發並再度活躍。If you have been infected with chickenpox, you may develop shingles. Age, daily stress, chronic diseases such as diabetes, long term use of immunosuppressant  (such as oral steroids) are major risk factors, and the virus in the nerves may be reactivated again.

生蛇的症狀 Symptoms of shingles

生蛇是由於患者體内的帶狀疱疹病毒被激發而導致。生蛇患者最初身體某部分的皮膚會出現痕痛,之後出現紅疹,繼而有麻痺、針刺,灼熱,甚至猶如電擊的陣痛感覺。這些感覺是生蛇患者的常見現象。部分患者感到痛楚時,有機會誤以為患上其他疾病。例如胸口痛時,或以為是心臟病,當下未意識到是生蛇所致。Shingles are caused by the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) inside patients. Patients will experience itchiness or soreness over the skin of a certain part of the body at first, but then a rash will appear, followed by numbness, tingling, burning, and even throbbing sensation of electric shock. These are common sensations experienced by patients with shingles. Yet, patients may mistake the symptoms for other diseases when feeling the pain. For example, if a patient experiences chest pain, s/he may think it is heart disease instead of shingles.

病毒會沿著神經線到達連接的皮膚表面,形成紅疹。紅疹會帶上水泡,蔓延成帶狀,出現的位置則視乎受感染的神經線分佈。水泡可持續一至十四日,期間可能會出現膿皰或血水,並於兩至三星期內乾水結痂再脫落。The virus travels along the affected nerve to the area of the skin served by those nerves, then cause a distinctive, stripe-like rash. The rash developed into blisters and spread along the affected area. The blisters may last for 1 to 14 days, which may accompany by pustules or blood.  The blisters usually dry up, form scabs and then fall off within two to three weeks.

有效的生蛇預防方法 Effective shingles prevention

雖然沒有絕對的疾病預防方案,但接種疫苗能有效預防生蛇。不論男女都適合接種疫苗,即使接種疫苗後,仍然出現生蛇情況,亦能有效縮短生蛇的日數,減少出現神經痛的後遺症,以及減少痛楚的程度。 現時香港有兩種帶狀疱疹疫苗供應。There is no guaranteed disease prevention, yet vaccination can effectively prevent shingles. Both men and women are suitable for vaccination. Even if patients develop shingles after vaccination, the duration is effectively shortened, chances for nerve pain (neuralgia) and degree of pain are reduced.  Currently, there are two types of shingles vaccine available in Hong Kong.  


更多資料,請瀏覽網站: https://marinamedical.hk/zh-hant/health-corner/articles/shingles-causes-treatment-and-prevention

For more details, please visit our website: https://marinamedical.hk/en/health-corner/articles/shingles-causes-treatment-and-prevention

