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Asia Medical Specialists | Marina Medical

柏氏抹片 (女醫生主理) | Pap-smear-perform by female doctor



柏氏抹片(又稱「子宮頸細胞檢查」是用於篩查子宮頸癌的婦科檢查。建議21歲或以上的女性進行檢查。對於出現症狀、之前檢查結果異常或免疫力較低的女性,醫生會視乎情況提出不同建議。對於30歲或以上的女性,您的醫生可能會建議同時進行人類乳頭瘤病毒(HPV)測試,該測試的方法和柏氏抹片檢查相同。 Pap smear (also known as "Pap test") is a simple proceudre, which is a gynecological investigation used to screen for cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer). For women who are 21 years old or above is recommended. The recommendation differs for women having symptoms, prior abnormal screening results or immunocompromised. For women 30 years old or above, your doctor might recommend Human papailloma virus (HPV) test as well, it is done in the same way and at the same time as the Pap smear.

