Asia Medical Specialists | Marina Medical

[滙豐信用卡優惠 HSBC Credit Card Offer] 【瘦肩 | Shoulder slimming 】輕盈天使肩緊緻療程(肉毒桿菌) | Shoulder Contouring Treatment (Botulinum Toxin)

Shoulder contouring | 瘦肩



** 醫生主理** 本診所提供肉毒桿菌毒素注射服務。購買後本診所職員將與你聯絡確認時間進行療程。 **Treated by Doctor** We offer Botulinum Toxin injection service to the public. Once completed purchase, our staff will contact you to confirm the appointment time.


條款和細則 | Terms and Conditions:

  • 此項目只適用於海灣醫療 (Marina Medical) 並年滿十八歲以上客戶 (請務必以身份證明文件作識別)  | This offer is only valid to customer of  Marina Medical aged 18 (Please make sure your identity document is available for identification)
  • 購買此項目卷後,會有專人於下一個工作天與您聯絡以作安排| We shall contact you within the next business day for arrangement upon your purchase.
  • 一旦購買此卷後,此券不可退款及不能轉換。 | No refund or exchange of any online purchases.
  • 此卷有效期為購買後30日 |the coupon’s validity is 30 days after purchase.
  • 如有任何疑問,請致電+852 3420 6622 或電郵 與我們聯絡 | If you have any questions, please call 3420 6622 or
  • 如有任何爭議,海灣醫療將保留最終決定權。 Marina Medical reserves the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes, Marina Medical reserves all rights for the final decision








Botulinum Toxin

Botulinum Toxin, an effective aesthetic procedure best known for its wrinkle-reducing effects, can also use in shoulder slimming and relieve painful tension on your shoulder. This non-surgical procedure is also known as "Trap Tox", has been used to alleviate issues with bulging shoulders or prominent shoulder muscles. Botulinum Toxin can be used to successfully relax specific regions in the trapezius, a sizable muscle that encompasses the neck, shoulders, and back. This reduces tension in the muscle fibers.

With the help of trapezius Botulinum Toxin injections, large shoulder and collarbone muscles can be corrected and contoured for a slimmer silhouette.

Using injections of Botulinum Toxin, the trapezius muscle is selectively relaxed, resulting in a reduction in size and prominence.,giving the appearance of a slimmer shoulder.

The effect of Botulinum Toxin will take three to four weeks to become obvious, and results will last for four to six months. Regular follow up treatments could extend the result. 


