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Asia Medical Specialists | Marina Medical

莫德納XBB1.5疫苗接種服務|Moderna Spikevax XBB.1.5 Vaccination service



亞洲專科醫生(位於中環華人行)為香港及非香港市民提供莫德納XBB1.5疫苗 (SpikeVAX)接種服務。購買前,請先致電2521 6830或微信 (asiamedical_2) 與我們的職員聯絡,確認接種時間, 或查詢詳情。預約確認後,恕未能更改預約時段。 Asia Medical Specialists, located at Central China Building, offer Moderna Spikevax XBB.1.5 vaccination service to the public. Before purchasing, please contact our staff at 2521 6830 or WeChat (asiamedical_2) to confirm your appointment time on a designated day or enquiry for the details. The appointment cannot be rescheduled once confirmed.


購買前,請先致電2521 6830或微信 (asiamedical_2) 與我們的職員聯絡,確認接種時間, 或查詢購買詳情。預約確認後,恕未能更改預約時段。

所有產品一經購買後, 恕不退還,退款或轉讓。如您對我們的政策有任何問題,歡迎致電 +852-2521-6830、電郵 info@asiamedical.hk 或微信: asiamedical_2 查詢。



  • 一旦購買及確認時間後,顧客不能更改預約時段,取消或轉換購買產品。不設退款。
  • 使用此服務前必須預約
  • 此服務不包括其他治療/檢查/醫師診症費用
  • 亞洲專科醫生保留最終解釋權

當你購買此疫苗接種券時, 代表你已確認符合接種此疫苗的資格。一旦購買及確認疫苗接種時間後,不能退款或轉換。在購買疫苗接種服務前,請詳細閱讀並同意以下條文。符合資格:

  1. 12歲或以上
  2. 同時符合接種2019 冠狀病毒疫苗的90日間距
  3. 此券包含了注射費、疫苗費 及行政費
  4. 接種者必須帶同其本人的 身分證明到診所登記 (例如護照、身分証、往來港澳通行證等)


Before purchasing, please contact our staff at 2521 6830 or WeChat (asiamedical_2) to confirm your appointment time on a designated day or enquiry for the purchase details. 

All purchases are final and no refund will be issued. If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at: +852-2521-6830 , info@asiamedical.hk or WeChat: asiamedical_2. Please read and acknowledge the following before you procure this vaccination coupon:

Terms and Conditions:

  • Once purchased and confirmed the schedule, the customer cannot reschedule, alter or cancel the item. No refund policy. 
  • Advance booking is required
  • Other treatments, inspections, and doctor consultation fees not included
  • Asia Medical Specialiststs reserves the rights to the final decision concerning the offers mentioned above

By selecting this coupon,  you hereby confirmed and acknowledge that you are eligible to receive this vaccination. Once purchased and confirmed the schedule, cannot be altered or canceled. Eligible Criteria:

  1. Age 12 or above
  2. Fulfill the requirements of 90 days dosage interval
  3. The Coupon included the injection fee, vaccine charges, and administrative charges only.
  4. Patient would need to bring over their Identification document along when coming to the clinic for registration, e.g. passport,HKID or  Exit-Entry Permit.


為什麼仍要打疫苗 Why vaccinate?

我已經接種過多次新冠疫苗了,為什麼仍需再接種? I've already received multiple doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, why do I need to consider vaccination again? 

隨著病毒不斷變種過往疫苗所產生的抗體在面對新變異株的效果可能會降低。 目前最新版本的XBB新冠疫苗能夠更有效地針對正在流行的XBB變種株提供保護力。藥廠資料發現, 接種Spikevax XBB1.5疫苗 對XBB.1.5、XBB.1.16、EG.5.1及BA.2.86所產生的中和抗體有明顯增加。亞洲專科醫生建議,所有高風險人士*、距離上次接種新冠疫苗已超過3個月的人士應盡快安排接種新一代XBB新冠疫苗。 

As the virus continues to evolve, the protection provided by earlier vaccines against new variants may diminish. The latest XBB vaccines offer enhanced protection against the circulating XBB variants. According to Moderna study found that the neutralizing antibodies produced against XBB.1.5, XBB.1.16, EG.5.1 and BA.2.86 were significantly increased after vaccination. We recommends that all high risk individuals* take immediate action and receive the appropriate dosage, regardless of their previous vaccination history, if more than 3 months have passed since their last dose or recovery from COVID-19 infection.

*High-risk priority group refer to persons aged 50 or above including the elderly living in residential care homes (RCH), adults aged 18 to 49 years with immunocompromising conditions, pregnant women and healthcare workers.


我曾經感染過新冠,為什麼仍要接種最新的新冠疫苗? If I've had COVID-19 before, why do I have to consider getting the latest COVID-19 vaccines?

雖然感染新冠后,身體都會對病毒產生一定免疫力,但因為不確定您過去確診的是何種病毒株,而且當時獲得的保護力也可能已經無效,接種疫苗將可讓我們獲得更可預期的 保護。 同時,每10個香港成年人就有1個會再次感染新冠病毒。所以即使您曾感染新冠,都應考慮接種最新版的新冠疫苗,提升對新冠變種病毒的保護力。

Although getting sick with COVID-19 offers a certain level of immunity against the virus, it is uncertain which specific strain you were previously infected with, and the protection acquired at that time may have waned. Vaccination can induce a more predictable immune response. Furthermore, approximately 1 out of 10 adults in Hong Kong may experience reinfection with COVID-19. Therefore, regardless of whether you have had a prior COVID-19 infection, it is recommended to follow the vaccination guidelines and consider receiving an updated vaccine to enhance protection against new variants.


我並非高風險人士,為何仍要接種新冠疫苗? I am not a high-risk individual, so why do I need to consider COVID-19 vaccination? 

雖然其他人士感染新冠后的重症風險可能較低,但仍應考慮接種較新版本的新冠疫苗,以更新自身抗體,並提升對新冠變種病毒的保護力。 接種疫苗還可以降低日常行程和旅遊計劃被打亂的風險,同時能保護家人朋友,尤其是身邊高風險人士的健康!

Although individuals who are not considered high-risk may have a lower risk of severe illness after getting COVID-19, you may still consider receiving an updated vaccine to enhance protection against new variants. By getting vaccinated, you can also help reduce the risk of disruptions to your daily activities and travel plans while also help protecting the health of your family and friends, especially those who are high-risk individuals in your community!


有什麽副作用?What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines?


Side effects of COVID-19 vaccination can vary among individuals, but they are generally mild to moderate and typically resolve within a few days. Common side effects include pain at the injection site, muscle soreness, fatigue, headache, fever, chills, nausea, diarrhea, etc. More serious side effects to COVID-19 vaccines, such as severe allergic reactions, are possible but extremely rare. Therefore, staying at the vaccination site for at least 15 minutes after receiving the vaccine is recommended so that you may seek immediate medical assistance in case any unusual reactions occur.


新冠疫苗可否與其他疫苗(包括季節性流感疫苗)同時接種?Can the COVID-19 vaccines be co-administered with other vaccines (including seasonal influenza vaccines)? 

根據衛生防護中心的指引,同時患上流感與新冠的患者會有較大可能出現嚴重併發症和死亡,為應對或將同時出現的冬季新冠及流感高峰,衛生防護中心強烈建議高風險人士應盡快同時接種新冠疫苗和流感疫苗15。一般而言,在知情同意下,新冠疫苗可與其他疫苗*同時接種,或在接種其他疫苗*之前或之後的任何時間接種。如果接種人士欲分開時間接種新冠疫苗和減活疫苗(例如麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、德國麻疹及水痘混合疫苗; 減活噴鼻式流感疫苗),相隔14日即可12。如有任何疑問,請向醫生查詢。


According to the CHP, individuals who are simultaneously infected with influenza and COVID-19 are at a higher risk of experiencing severe complications and death. To address the potential concurrent peaks of winter COVID-19 and influenza, the CHP strongly recommend that high-risk individuals receive both a COVID-19 vaccine and a influenza vaccine as soon as possible15. In general, COVID-19 vaccines can be co-administered with, or at any time before or after, any other vaccines* under informed consent. If individuals wish to space out COVID-19 vaccination with live attenuated vaccines (e.g., Measles, Mumps, Rubella & Varicella (MMRV) Vaccine; Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV)), an interval of 14 days is sufficient12. Please consult your physician if you have any questions. 

* Remark: If individuals at high risk of exposure to Mpox (also known as monkeypox) need to arrange for pre-exposure Mpox vaccination, an interval of at least 4 weeks before and after mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (e.g., BioNTech, Moderna) is recommended.



1 評語